In this post, you will learn about dynamic pivot in SQL Server and where it is required with an example.
Pivot is basically transpose used to convert unique row values of a column as columns of the resultset.
If we already know all unique values of the column and are static then we can use static pivot where we can pass the unique values in the query, but if we are not sure of all the unique values we will require dynamic pivot where we will have to dynamically create a list of values to pass for pivot.
Let's take an example of dynamic pivot
Lets create a sales table and populate some data
Now, suppose we want to use pivot to display Invoice Amount for each Customer code on the basis of Period (Month/Year) and Period will be dynamically construct as column on the basis of Invoice Period i.e (Invoice from date and to date)
Pivot is basically transpose used to convert unique row values of a column as columns of the resultset.
If we already know all unique values of the column and are static then we can use static pivot where we can pass the unique values in the query, but if we are not sure of all the unique values we will require dynamic pivot where we will have to dynamically create a list of values to pass for pivot.
Let's take an example of dynamic pivot
Lets create a sales table and populate some data
CREATE TABLE tblSales ( CustCode VARCHAR(50) , InvAmt INT , InvDate DATETIME ) INSERT INTO tblSales SELECT 'C0001', 1500, '10/01/2010' UNION ALL SELECT 'C0002', 2000, '10/01/2010' UNION ALL SELECT 'C0002', 1100, '10/25/2010' UNION ALL SELECT 'C0001', 1200, '10/20/2010' UNION ALL SELECT 'C0001', 1600, '11/05/2010' UNION ALL SELECT 'C0002', 1300, '11/17/2010' SELECT * from tblSalesOUTPUT
Now, suppose we want to use pivot to display Invoice Amount for each Customer code on the basis of Period (Month/Year) and Period will be dynamically construct as column on the basis of Invoice Period i.e (Invoice from date and to date)
DECLARE @dtFrom DATETIME , @dtTo DATETIME , @sPeriodList VARCHAR(100) , @sQuery NVARCHAR(500) SET @dtFrom = '2010-10-01' SET @dtTo = '2010-11-30' SELECT @sPeriodList = STUFF(( SELECT distinct ',[' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), InvDate, 111) + ']' AS [data()] FROM tblSales WHERE InvDate BETWEEN @dtFrom AND @dtTo FOR XML PATH('') ),1,1,'') SET @sQuery='SELECT CustCode,' + @sPeriodList + ' FROM ( SELECT CustCode, InvAmt, CONVERT(VARCHAR(7), InvDate, 111) AS Period FROM tblSales) src PIVOT (SUM(InvAmt) FOR Period IN (' + @sPeriodList + ') ) pvt' EXEC sp_executesql @sQueryOUTPUT
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