In this article, you will learn how to convert columns to rows in SQL Server.
We will use unpivot feature for the transformation. Lets' take an example
Let's create a table for Key Value pair and populate some data in it
Here, the keys and values are stored in column form, and our requirement is to display the key and value pair in row form.
Below is the code snippet to achieve the same using unpivot feature
But now assume we don't all possible values, in that case we will have to dynamically construct the list of keys and pass it dynamically to the query.
We will use unpivot feature for the transformation. Lets' take an example
NOTE: PIVOT/UNPIVOT feature was introduced in SQL Server 2005, so solution will work in SQL Server 2005 onward only.
Let's create a table for Key Value pair and populate some data in it
CREATE TABLE tblkeyvalpair( KEY1 INT, KEY2 INT, KEY3 INT, KEY4 INT, KEY5 INT ) INSERT INTO tblkeyvalpair VALUES (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) SELECT * FROM tblkeyvalpairOUTPUT
Here, the keys and values are stored in column form, and our requirement is to display the key and value pair in row form.
Below is the code snippet to achieve the same using unpivot feature
SELECT KeyName, Value FROM ( SELECT * FROM tblkeyvalpair ) AS t1 UNPIVOT ( Value FOR KeyName IN (key1, key2, key3, key4, key5) ) AS t2If we know all key columns then we can hard code the values as we do in the above solution
But now assume we don't all possible values, in that case we will have to dynamically construct the list of keys and pass it dynamically to the query.
DECLARE @ColumnList VARCHAR(MAX), @Query VARCHAR(MAX), @ColumnName VARCHAR(100), @TableName NVARCHAR(100) SET @TableName = 'tblkeyvalpair' SELECT @ColumnList = Stuff((SELECT ',' + name FROM syscolumns WHERE id = Object_id(@TableName) FOR XML PATH('')) ,1,1,'') SET @Query = 'SELECT keyname, value FROM(SELECT * FROM ' + @TableName + ') AS T1' SET @Query = @Query + ' UNPIVOT (value FOR keyname IN (' + @ColumnList + ')) AS T2' EXEC(@Query)OUTPUT
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